Zoom Sessions
Day |
Program |
Time (SL time) |
Conducted |
Medium |
Host |
Link to |
Sunday |
Sunday Dhamma Talk |
7:00 -8:30 AM SL time |
Ven Chandaratana |
Sinhala |
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88289515672?pwd=MS83TFRPUHY5bWFhVGY5M1k2c1ZoZz09 Meeting ID: 882 8951 5672 Password: 171717 |
Australia Email: AusBhavana@gmail.com |
https://files.nissarana.lk/1?data[cGroup]=1&data[eventType]=All&cID=419&gs=true https://files.nissarana.lk/1?data[cGroup]=1&data[eventType]=All&cID=583&gs=trueh |
Q&A session for beginners |
7:00- 8:30 AM SL time |
Ven Dhammakusala & Ven |
Sinhala |
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83852272833?pwd=Y2hYK3pxVDdkUjdIbE5Wbmd5bUlkUT09 Meeting ID: 259 660 9302 Passcode: Nissarana |
Australia Contact: Rajika Agampodi Email: rajika.agampodi@gmail.com |
http://www.nissarana.lk/file_manager/browseCollection.php?Group=415 |
Mindfulness for young adults |
1:30- 3:30 PM SL time |
Ven Chandaratana |
English |
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83481674559?pwd=Ry9CWW44SStqVUM2WEdEVWhYZHhCUT09 Meeting ID: 834 8167 4559 Password: 030785 |
Australia Contact: Badra Samarakoon Email: samarakoon.family@gmail.com |
http://www.nissarana.lk/file_manager/browseCollection.php?Group=396 |
Monday |
Vinaya discussions |
Tuesday |
Nibbana Sermon & discussions |
7:30- 8:30 AM SL time |
Most Ven Dhammajiva |
Sinhala |
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6957443611 Meeting ID: 695 744 3611 Password: 642885 |
Australia Contact: Kumara Perera Email: report.nvms@gmail.com |
http://www.nissarana.lk/file_manager/browseCollections.php?CGroup=14 |
English dhamma discussion |
8:30-9:30 AM SL time |
Most Ven Dhammajiva |
English |
Australia Email: report.nvms@gmail.com |
http://www.nissarana.lk/file_manager/browseCollection.php?Group=476 | |
Wednesday |
Sutta teaching followed by a Q&A |
7:00- 8:00 AM SL time |
Ven Chandaratana |
English |
Password: 642885 |
USA Contact: Jennifer Chang: Email: jhu830@gmail.com |
http://www.nissarana.lk/file_manager/browseCollection.php?Group=412 |
Thursday |
A sermon followed by a short Q&A |
7:30- 9:00 AM SL time |
Most Ven Dhammajiva |
Sinhala |
Password: 642885 |
AustraliaContact: Anusha/ TharangaEmail: report.nvms@gmail.com |
http://www.nissarana.lk/file_manager/browseCollection.php?Group=408 |
Friday |
A short sermon followed by a Q&A |
7:00-8:00AM SL time |
Ven Dhammakusala & Most Ven Dhammajiva |
Sinhala |
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87984704203?pwd=R0x2MVNHeWhrYUJDVGZhanlaZTRZdz09 Meeting ID: 879 8470 4203 Passcode: NVweekly |
CanadaContact: Nirosh PiyaweeraEmail: niroshaonline@gmail.com |
http://www.nissarana.lk/file_manager/browseCollection.php?Group=410 |
A short sermon followed by a Q&A |
7:30-9:30 PM SL time |
Most Ven Dhammajiva & Ven DhammaGuththa |
Sinhala |
Meeting ID: 892 7836 4710 |
Oman Contact: Niranja Email: nissaraname@gmail.com |
http://www.nissarana.lk/file_manager/browseCollections.php?CGroup=1 | |
Saturday |
A sermon followed by a short Q&A |
7:30-9:00 AM SL time |
Most Ven Dhammajiva |
Sinhala |
Password: 642885 |
Australia Contact: Kamal Thuduwage Email: report.nvms@gmail.com |
http://www.nissarana.lk/file_manager/browseCollection.php?Group=127 |
Q&A followed by short sermon |
1:00-2:30 PM SL time |
Ven Dhammakusala |
English |
Password: Sati123 |
Australia Contact: Rajika Agampodi Email: rajika.agampodi@gmail.com |
http://www.nissarana.lk/file_manager/browseCollection.php?Group=495 |
Clarity of Mind through Mindfulness Last Saturday of the month (Monthly Program) |
7.00 – 8.30 AM SL time |
Ven Chandaratana |
English |
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81279302607 Meeting ID: 812 7930 2607 Passcode: mindful |
New JerseyContact: Ms Shalika De SilvaEmail: mindfulnessinus@gmail.com | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrbDWkm73YLCC_mDPRnAvBw/videos | |
Weekdays |
Virtual Retreats |
(Q&A) 1.00 – 2.00 PM SL time (Sermon) 4.00 – 5.00 PM SL time |
Most Ven Dhammajiva / |
Sinhala / |
Password: ekaro |
Sri Lanka Contact: Ms Priyanka Molligoda Email: sami.priy.an22@gmail.com |
Sati Pasala Programs
Day |
Program |
Time (SL time) |
Conducted |
Medium |
Host |
Link to |
Sunday |
Rockhampton SP – Conducted by RSP kids |
7:20 -10:00 AM SL time |
Q&A session by Most Ven Dhammajiva or Ven Dhammasarana |
English |
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6957443611 Meeting ID: 695 744 3611 Password: 642885 |
Australia Contact: Anusha WM |
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1LMzxU4vs2CiS_QielsySpckTV1qBaYb7?usp=sharing | |
Sati Pasala Program for Kids | 4.00-6.00 PM SL time | Ven Dhammasarana | Sinhala |
https://us06web.zoom.us/j/93906021739?pwd=TlcvVXFTWUZBbDVNM0RDUFpuU0Q3UT09 Meeting ID: 939 0602 1739 |
Sri Lanka Email: sandaneh1@gmail.com |
N/A | |
Saturday |
Sati Pasala Program for Kids |
3:00-5:00 PM SL time |
Ven Dhammakusala |
English |
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81276367341?pwd=K0pPMzhhTWFQdWJ2dmpRRGpMeTBsZz09 Meeting ID: 812 7636 7341 |
Sri Lanka Contact: Kinithi Contact: Niranja |
N/A | |
Sati Pasala Program for 16+ |
7:30-9:30 |
Ven Dhammakusala
and |
Sinhala | https://bit.ly/3mc9hFx
Meeting ID: 969 8754 9498 |
Canada Contact: Kalpani Email: kalpaniks@gmail.com |
N/A |