
677 viewsMindfulness Meditation

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I am writing after long time but I continued to practice the mindfulness everyday about an hour early in the morning. My experience is that I go to the nothingness immediately after the sitting for the meditation and  I focus mainly to the mind. Thoughts are coming and going. I look at them mindfully for a while and those are fading away with little time. After some time mind goes to deep stillness and I am looking at that situation without having attached to it. It also fading away after some time. Some time some thoughts are coming and going but  I am in a very calm state. Again I go to deep stillness and come to surface. Like wise this happens 2 to 3 cycles. After that I go to a place where I cannot explain. In that place there is no any feelings. But I am aware of the situation. How ever I cannot control any thing over that situation. I feel like I am in a deep sleep but I am sure that I am not sleeping. 
Theruwan Sarani
Dr SLS Kumarage

admin Changed status to publish 22/11/2022

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